Hand washing - It is everyone's responsibility!
Health Promotion video:
According to the Center for Disease and Prevention, hand washing prevents the spread of disease. The best way to clean your hands is with soap and water. Teach children to wash their hands before meals, after using the toilet, and when they get home each day.
What should you do if you don't have soap and clean, running water?
Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of microbes on them in most situations. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of microbes on hands in some situations, but sanitizers do not eliminate all types of germs.
Hand sanitizers may not be as effective when hands are visibly dirty or greasy.
How do you use hand sanitizers?
- Apply the product to the palm of one hand (read the label to learn the correct amount).
- Rub your hands together.
- Rub the product over all surfaces of your hands and fingers until your hands are dry.
Tip: Watch this Video to encourage children to wash their hands. Teach children to sing their favorite song as they wash to clean away all the dirt.
Review Hand Washing with family and friends.